Phillip Crout
My interests
I’m interested in breaking down barriers between researchers and their open science goals. My journey began with academic software but has moved to more holistic approaches, hosting seminars and creating resources on data management. In addition, I am a culture leader within my institution, expressing my passion for a more just scientific community whenever possible.
My work
I am based out of the Medical Research Council Biostatistics Unit at the University of Cambridge. This is a large organisation with a wide range of open science problems. I divide my time between producing internal resources, hosting events and collaborating directly with researchers on projects. No two days are the same, but to give a flavour of my work, here’s a concrete illustration. At the time of the fellowship award, I was in the final stages of organising an open science workshop with 18 speakers and over 50 delegates. While planning, I discovered that the range of topics I wanted to cover wouldn’t have fit into a single-day workshop. This serves to illustrate how much there is to do in the space.